On the day that marks the beginning of the Welsh Assembly Government’s consultation programme on three sets of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure’s draft Regulations, Hafal Service User Champion Sue Barnes has highlighted the importance of care planning.
Writing in her monthly Western Mail column Sue states: “For service users like me, the most important regulations concern care planning. There’s a lot of talk about the importance of care planning in the arena of mental health, but for those who know nothing about care plans, this is what they are for.
“Put simply, a care plan should set out the long-term goals and objectives of a service user in all areas of life, and the actions that need to be taken to achieve those goals.
“The Measure says all patients receiving secondary mental health services have the right to a care plan and that the planned outcomes must relate to one or more of the following areas: accommodation; education and training; finance and money; medical and other forms of treatment, including psychological interventions; parenting or caring relationships; personal care and physical wellbeing; social, cultural and spiritual and work and occupation.
“It’s clear to see why care plans are so important.”
To read Sue’s column in full please visit: http://tiny.cc/x3iz0
For more information on Hafal please visit: www.hafal.org