Social, cultural & spiritual

social cultural and spiritual downloadSuzanne

“Recognising my cultural factors and taking care of my spiritual needs means that I am better able to cope.” Suzanne, Cardiff, Hafal, Trustee and Director of Operations, Diverse Cymru

For many people the main outcome in this area of life will be to enjoy a full social life, good personal relationships with family and friends, and full engagement with community and leisure facilities.


  1. 1.   What do you want to achieve?

  2. A major problem faced by many people with a mental illness is loneliness. Hafal recently conducted a survey which found that 50% of service users had been lonely in the past month.If you have been very ill then establishing networks with fellow patients is a good place to start before moving on and making contacts in the wider community. You may choose to focus on maintaining or improving relationships with your family, colleagues, friends or partner. You can engage or re-engage with a religion of your choice or tradition or follow your hobbies or interests individually or in a group. Another outcome may be to access general leisure facilities.
    You should be clear about your cultural and spiritual needs and ensure that in all aspects of your Plan these needs are addressed. Guidance says that your preferred language should be a consideration when you think about your cultural needs.

2.    What actions need to be taken or services need to be provided to achieve your goals?
Next think about the actions that need to be taken to achieve your goals, and what services need to be provided to support you.

Services could include:
  Patient group/social club for people with a mental illness
   Marriage counselling/relationship support service
   Family therapy service
   General leisure facilities.
Actions could include:
    Organising to spend time with your family
    Contacting and meeting up with friends
    Establishing and maintaining a network of friends and contacts
    Ensuring your language needs are met (e.g. by engaging with Welsh-language activities/services)
    Pursuing a hobby on your own by joining a class or interest group
   Joining a religious group
  Attending events, concerts, plays, etc.
  Identifying a friend to accompany you as you access local leisure facilities
   Joining Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites
  Joining a dating service
  Identifying and pursuing volunteering activities.

3.   Who can support you to achieve your goals?
Supporters in this area may include your family, friends and other service users.

Other supporters may include:
  Work colleagues
  Local college
  Voluntary services
  Religious group
  A family member and/or other carer
  Care Coordinator

More resources and links on Social, Cultural and Spiritual

●  is the Wales Council for Voluntary Action’s online volunteering service. The site offers information on volunteering anywhere in Wales across a wide range of opportunities from counselling to environmental work.
●  has a comprehensive listing of activities and venues throughout Wales.
●  You can also check your local press or public library for details of groups and activities in your area.
●  In terms of organised religion you can contact a church or other religious group of your tradition (or another tradition) in your area – try the local library if you are not sure where they are located.
  The Welsh NHS gives some details of its position in relation to spirituality on this link
  The Royal College of Psychiatrists runs an interest group on spirituality – follow this link

Download Hafal’s Recovery Guide (PDF)