Hafal’s Carers Lead Jackie James will be visiting the Senedd tomorrow, along with carers from Hafal, to talk to AMs ahead of Carers’ Rights Day on Friday. Jackie will be presenting AMs with the following Carers’ wish list which will be displayed at a reception on December 1st.
Hafal Carers’ Wish List
“Promoted access …to Carer’s Allowance: it is reported there is an underspend of £51millon in Wales.”
“Regular health screening: carers are twice as likely to endure poor physical health due to their caring responsibilities.”
“Emotional support delivered flexibly: the right support at the right time in the right place both for the carer and the cared-for.”
“Housing benefit to be permitted/given to the cared-for when the person is living at home with elderly parents. One of the reasons for this is that elderly parents would be downsizing but are unable due to the cared-fors needs.”
“To receive Carer’s Allowance in addition to a state pension, the reason being that Carer’s Allowance is used for carer’s expenses in relation to the cared-for person. These expenses do not stop at pension age; the state pension is drastically lower than the average wage so Carer’s Allowance is even more vital.”
“Carers would like to see improved services over busy, difficult times such as bank holidays/weekends and Christmas.”
“I receive 24/7 care from my family but no respite relief for me or family members. I have been offered one week in every eight on an acute ward. Carers need improved respite services.”
“Confidentially is a real issue. Why is it that when a person is diagnosed with a serious physical issue medical staff ask for a family member to be present and they are included in the said person’s care. With mental health, whenever I have tried to get involved the doors have been closed. To have a real care plan, does the carer not need to be involved somewhere in that process? Why not at the beginning?”
For more information on Hafal’s work with carers please visit: http://www.hafal.org/hafal/pdf/Support%20for%20carers%20%20B%20Aug10.pdf