Code of Practice good news for young people

The following is a news story from Hafal’s Big Lottery-funded Young People’s Information Hub. To access the Hub please visit:

The Code of Practice for the Mental Health (Wales) Measure has been published.

The purpose of the Code is to give clear guidance to mental health service providers in Wales so that they meet their obligations for the Measure – the historic law which means, amongst other things, that all users of secondary mental health services have a legal right to an holistic Care and Treatment Plan.

Commenting on why the Code is good news for young mental health service users, Hafal Head of Public Affairs, Peter Martin, said: “People diagnosed with a serious mental illness must have the same rights as everybody else and treated with dignity and respect; Hafal vigorously campaigned to ensure the the needs of young people were appropriately reflected in the legislation.

“This new Code of Practice gives guidance on how to ensure that good care and treatment planning leads to recovery and greater independence, and people receive the services they need in a planned and co-ordinated way.”
To download a copy of the Code of Practice please click here.

Hafal will be publishing “Care and Treatment Planning: a step-by-step guide for secondary mental health service users” in June. Watch this space!