“Wandering the corridors, sat in social rooms, waiting for yournext dinner or load of medications and watching the clock tick…”
That’s how former service user Lee McCabe fromMerthyr describes his time in a psychiatric hospital. Clickhere to watch his film blog inwhich he talks about how he has worked to change hospital conditions for thebetter.
Lee was talking at today’s Lights!Camera! ACTION! event which saw the mobile studio broadcasting from HafalMerthyr, Pant Industrial Estate, Dowlais. For more film blogs see Hafal’s Facebookpage.
· David Crepaz-Keay’s work as Head of Empowermentand Social Inclusion at the Mental Health Foundation has covered countries suchas Malawi, Namibia and Switzerland, but thanks to campaigns such as Lights! Camera! ACTION! it’s his work in Wales which he enjoys the most! Find outwhy by watching his speechfrom the campaign launch.
· All the talk about film-making has got usthinking: what are the best films about mental illness?We’ll be posting details of our favesthroughout the summer.To join the discussion on Facebook followthis link.
To find out more about the Lights! Camera! ACTION!campaign please click here.