Call for more access to talking therapies

Aviva recently published the findings of its “Health of the Nation 2012” survey – a comprehensive study of GPs’ views on the UK’s mental and physical health…

Hafal wins Big Lottery funding to develop new Recovery Centre

Hafal has won Big Lottery funding to develop a groundbreaking new Recovery Centre offering in-patient support and treatment for people with a serious mental illness. The Lottery “Innovations” funding will enable Hafal to employ a Development Officer to take forward the initiative.

‘Give the January blues a rosy tint by volunteering to help others’

As 21 January – labelled the most depressing day of the year – hits us next week, the Big Lottery Fund (BIG) and Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) are calling on people throughout Wales to give Blue Monday a rosy glow by volunteering their time at a local community group or charity…

Youth Index 2013: One in ten young people feel unable to cope with life

One in ten young people feel they cannot cope with day-to-day life, warns The Prince’s Trust Youth Index.
The Prince’s Trust Youth Index reveals that young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) are more than twice as likely to feel unable to cope as their peers…