Today the first of 22 Let’sGet Physical! county events took place at the at the RecreationCentre in Bridgend.
Guests had the opportunity to get a physical health check upin the Mobile Health Centre, to take part in a Pilates class and to scale theindoor climbing wall! The event was attended by Madeleine Moon MP, Huw Irranca-Davies MP, JaniceGregory AM and Councillor Gary Thomas, Deputy Mayor of Bridgend.
Service user Jason Edwards said: “Physical health isreally important for me. I’ve just completed a Sports Leadership Course and Ihad to design my own coaching sessions. The course was run by Neville Southall,the ex-Wales International Goalkeeper, and he told me that I did really welland should stick with coaching. I’m now planning to design a sports session forall the staff and tenants in Park Street this summer as part of thecampaign.”
Hafal Bridgend Practice Leader Amy Loveday said:”Today’s event has been great fun and it’s given us the chance to try outsome challenging activities. But the Let’s GetPhysical! challenges will continue throughout the summer and beyond.All of our Park Street tenants are taking part in a cooking skills session atleast once a week to learn how to cook healthy, nutritious meals. We’re alsoplanning a trip to climb Pen Y Fan in the summer.”
Let’s Get Physical! sets a challenge – both to service users and carers, and to serviceproviders and policy makers – to radically improve the physical health ofpeople with a mental illness and their carers. The campaign is supported bymental health charities Hafal, Bipolar UK and the Mental Health Foundation;Diverse Cymru will help to ensure the campaign reaches out to minority anddisadvantaged communities. The campaign was launched by Health Minister MarkDrakeford AM in May and will include 22 county events covering all the countiesof Wales.
Find outmore about the campaign at
For more pictures from today’s event go to: