MentalHealth Wales – the online information service managed by mental healthcharity Hafal – has launched a new ‘Working Guide’ which promises to make iteasier to monitor and understand mental health policy and legislation in Wales.
The working guide summarises the Mental Health (Wales)Measure, the “Together for Mental Health” Strategy, and the Strategy’s DeliveryPlan, setting out how the policy and legislation affects:-
1. The wholepopulation of Wales
2. People inWales receiving primary care services for their mental health
3. People inWales receiving secondary mental health services.
This guidehas been written by Phil Thomas who began working in mental health services inthe 1970s and has held a wide variety of posts over the last 40 years. Phil said: “There’s a lot of new mental health policy and legislation inWales and some of it can be fairly difficult to grasp.The new guide breaks down all of the information, setting out who isresponsible for delivering what, and who the targets and objectives apply to -whether it’s the whole population, people using primary services or those usingsecondary services.
“Thecurrent version of the guide reflects the original documents but the guide willbe updated periodically to reflect updates in the policy and legislation. Wehope it will be a really useful resource for commissioners and healthprofessionals, and also for service users and carers interested in what the newpolicy and legislation promise to deliver.”
To download a copy of the new guide please visit: