Today the Let’s Get Physical! campaign reached Caerphilly atan event which included a ‘smoothie bike’,exercise and dance taster sessions, and tunes from the Hyderus music group.
But every Friday is active at Hafal Caerphilly thanks to theFriday “Fighting Fit” group. Service user Ian Parr told us: “Due to a change inmy medication I had gained weight, and this left me feeling very low with noconfidence and self-esteem. So I joined the “Fighting Fit” group at the HafalHyderus project. We all work well as a part of a group as we are able tosupport each other. I felt motivated to repair the puncture in my bike andstarted to cycle to the project, and now I walk as I can burn more calories! Ifeel a lot more confident and motivated and my self-esteem has improved.
“The “Fighting Fit” group is all about taking practicalsteps towards good health. During the group we all weigh and record our weight sothat we can monitor it weekly to see the progress. We then have a groupdiscussion about what we have eaten during the week and the exercise we havedone. We eat a healthy lunch that we make ourselves and then we walk for twohours on a route near to the project.
“The Let’s Get Physical! campaign has given us new ideas about howto develop the group. It’s going from strength to strength.”
As part of their campaign activity the Hyderus”Fighting Fit” group will be producing a short video blog about theirachievements in getting more active, eating well and losing weight. Hafal Blackwoodservice users will also be producing case studies about what they have done tobecome more healthy. Watch out for these on Hafal’s Facebookpage!
Finally, a big thank you to all the organisations who had a stand attoday’s event including the GP Exercise ReferralScheme, local Food Co-op, Citizens Advice Bureau, Gofal, Pathways to Employment,Smoking Cessation and Drug Aid.