“Food co-ops are the way forward!” says EllieMcGuire, a service user from Newport.”Our food co-op is going fromstrength to strength. It encourages people to buy fruit and vegetables on aweekly basis and because we buy in bulk it works out cheaper.”
Hafal Newport’s food co-op was in focus at today’s”Let’s Get Physical!” event at the Hafal/Mental Health Foundationproject in Newport. Visitors had the opportunity to see how the project’s foodco-op runs and to eat a healthy lunch prepared with co-op goods, as well ashave health checks in the mobile surgery, take part in Tai Chi and CommunityConnection exercise classes, and hear an Inside Out poetry recital.
The event was attended by Jessica Morden MP, Mohammad AsgharAM, John Griffiths AM and Newport Mayor Councillor Matthew Evans.
Speaking about the food co-op Ellie said: “The ideabehind food co-ops is that by pooling our buying power and ordering food inbulk direct from local suppliers we can buy at a more affordable price. Wefocus on healthy, good-quality produce. There’s less waste and fewer foodmiles.
“Our advice to anyone interested in setting up a foodco-op is to get together with some friends or neighbours – or anyone else inthe community – and go for it! You can source great produce directfrom local farmers or wholesalers. All it takes is a bit of coordination.”
Hafal Practice Leader Michelle said: “Today’s event hasreally brought into focus what we’re doing to improve our physical health. Werun a healthy lunch club in Newport which we hope to develop throughout thecampaign and beyond. We’ve also linked up with the exercise coordinatorsthroughout the area for the event and we hope to continue working with them inthe future.”
Find outabout food co-ops at www.foodcoopswales.org.uk