Today the Let’s Get Physical! campaign reached the RoyalWelsh in Powys where the mobile health centre provided visitors with theopportunity to have free health checks.
Liz Hails, a Member of the campaign’s Service User andCarer Panel who lives in Powys, said: “There’s been a fantastic amount ofinterest in the campaign at the Show with many people coming into the mobilehealth centre to get their blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes checks.
“We developed the Mobile Health Centre to raiseawareness of the range of physical health checks that people recovering fromserious mental illness can access through their GP and Primary Care Team.Carers also have their own physical health needs and have been getting advicein the Mobile Health Centre about the support that their GP and Primary Careteam can provide.”
Qualified Nurse andHafal Development Consultant Helen Bennett said: “It’s so important forservice users to maintain their physical health as this will have a significantimpact on their mental health and their overall quality of life. Our advice toservice users and carers is to get the right support from healthprofessionals to stay well. One of the most important things you can do is tomake sure you are registered with a GP – and to make an appointment to discussyour physical health.”
Follow these links for more information:-
DIRECTORY: Points you to your nearest GP,dentist, optician or pharmacist
ALCOHOL SUPPORT & INFORMATION: Advice on cuttingdown your alcohol intake
DRUG &ALCOHOL ADVICE: Drug and alcohol advice and support helpline