Centre: Winston Roddick, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner
Let’s Get Physical! reachedConwy today at an event in Colwyn Bay which included walks along the promenade,Tai Chi sessions and healthy eating demonstrations.
Today’s eventis just a highlight in an ongoing programme of Let’s Get Physical! activitiesin Conwy, one of which is a monthly ‘Around the World’ meal.
Andy Dawson,a Hafal service user at Colwyn Bay, said: “The Around the World events area really worthwhile and pleasurable addition to the activities calendar, notonly for the company and the camaraderie but also for experimenting with foodand learning new cookery skills. We really get into the swing of whichevercountry’s theme the meal is related to by preparing music of that country: forexample, Reggae for Caribbean or James Bond music for “Bond night” (whichinclude real caviar and optional fancy dress!).
“There’sa lot of talk about eating more healthily but we want to think about making ourfood more adventurous and appetising as well, putting healthy ingredients togood use and with a vegetarian option for every meal so there is a healthychoice.”
Visitors at today’s event got the opportunity to make freshsmoothies and tortilla wraps. Communities First demonstrated how to make cheapand simple meals which are both nutritious and delicious, and a dietician from BetsiCadwaladr University Health Board was on hand to share useful tips. Advice and informationwas available from a range of organisations including:
> Stop Smoking Wales
> Exercise by Referral
> Fareshare food coop
> Specsavers (who offered free vision checks in their local centre)
> the Mental Health Foundation.
Diverse Cymru provided advice and information on BME mental healthand advocacy, and how physical wellbeing can lead to better mental health; BipolarUK provided advice and information on bipolar disorder and local services. Visitorsalso had the opportunity to get free health checks in the mobile health centre.
Hafal Practice Leader Phil said: “We’ll be continuingthe theme of Let’s Get Physical! throughout the summer by running weeklycoastal walks and hikes, Tai Chi sessions and healthy eating barbecues. We seethe promotion of physical health as a key part of our service – and one of themain ways that people can benefit from being a part of Hafal.”
Let’s Get Physical! sets achallenge – both to service users and carers, and to service providers andpolicy makers – to radically improve the physical health of people with amental illness and their carers. The campaign is supported by mental healthcharities Hafal, Bipolar UK and the Mental Health Foundation; Diverse Cymruwill help to ensure the campaign reaches out to minority and disadvantagedcommunities. The campaign was launched by Health Minister Mark Drakeford AM inMay and will include 22 county events covering all the counties of Wales.
Find out moreabout the campaign at www.hafal.org
For more pictures from today’s event go to: en-gb.facebook.com/Hafal