Denbighshire diggers say GROW YOUR OWN!

Snapped at today’s event: Ann Jones, AM for Vale of Clwyd; Dr Peter Higson, Chair of Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board; and Ann Davies, Mayor of Rhuddlan.

Let’s GetPhysical! reached Denbighshire today where the campaign hasinspired service users and carers to start their own vegetable plot.

“You can’t beat home-grown veg -it’s fresh and it tastes better because you’ve grown it yourself,” says  Lauren.

“There’s something therapeutic aboutgrowing your own vegetables: it absorbs you and you get to see the vegetables growand flourish. Plus you get some exercise into the bargain, you grow reallyhealthy and nutritious food and you save quite a bit of money on your shopping.

“We’re trying to prove thatgrowing veg is something that anyone can do, even if it’s just a few essentialslike potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. What’s really nice is that we’re doing itin partnership with Barnardo’s, so we are also using it as a way to make linkswith the community and grow friendships.” 

Today’s event took place in Hafal’s”Bryn y Wal” project; activities and stands included:-

·         Bootcamptaster sessions

·         Golftaster sessions

·         Footballobstacle course

·         Healthyeating advice

·         Informationon Rural Regeneration (Food Co-operative)

·         Adviceon giving up smoking

·         Tabletennis

·         MobileHealth Centre health checks. 

Hafal Denbighshire Practice Leader Ninasaid: “In addition to the new vegetable plot we are also getting somechickens so that we can have our own freshly-laid eggs. It’s about encouragingeach other to take an active part in producing our own food – and about makingour diet healthy and nutritious. We’re also running a weekly Meal Challenge whichgets people to share healthy recipes they have prepared, plus we’re runningwalking groups and promoting access to exercise groups in the community.”

Let’s Get Physical! sets achallenge – both to service users and careers, and to service providers andpolicy makers – to radically improve the physical health of people with amental illness and their careers. The campaign is supported by mental healthcharities Hafal, Bipolar UK and the Mental Health Foundation; Diverse Cymruwill help to ensure the campaign reaches out to minority and disadvantagedcommunities. The campaign was launched by Health Minister Mark Drake ford AM inMay and will include 22 county events covering all the counties of Wales.

Find out more about the campaign at
For more pictures from today’s event go to: