Today the Let’s GetPhysical! campaign was inGwynedd where visitors had the opportunity to find out about a unique NorthWales service.
Service user William Williams-Jones said: “Today’sevent took place at Tŷ Adferiad which is Hafal’s new BigLottery-funded project. It gives people from across Wales the chance to comefor a three day break and look at their recovery plans. It’s a completelyunique, service user-led project.
“In the afternoons the focus is firmly on physical activity!Visitors can take part inmotivational activities and outdoor pursuits. Thereare loads of things on offer including walking, rope work, sailing, canoeing, canyoning, quad biking and llamatrekking.
“It’sabout building confidence and trying new things. People leave here wanting toget out there and take up new sports. In the process they get to meetother service users and carers and make new friends.”
Visitors at today’s event also had the opportunity to havekey health checks in the mobile health centre, talk to a nutritionist, takepart in have-a-go sessions using a range of gym equipment, and enjoy a healthy buffet.
Hafal Practice Leader Mandy Morsley said: “HafalGwynedd will be running regular healthy eating group and exercise groups beyondtoday’s event. As for Tŷ Adferiad – we will continue to develop aprogressive service which leads the way in lifting service users’ and carers’expectations. Our aim is to get people to take part in outdoor activities thatthey would never have thought of trying. And hopefully once they have triedthem they’ll want to carry on!”
Let’s Get Physical!sets achallenge – both to service users and carers, and to service providers andpolicy makers – to radically improve the physical health of people with amental illness and their carers. The campaign is supported by mental healthcharities Hafal, Bipolar UK and the Mental Health Foundation; Diverse Cymruwill help to ensure the campaign reaches out to minority and disadvantagedcommunities. The campaign was launched by Health Minister Mark Drakeford AM inMay and includes 22 events covering all the counties of Wales.
Find out more about Tŷ Adferiad at:
Find out more about the campaign at
For more pictures from today’s event go to: