The Let’s Get Physical! campaignreached Carmarthenshire today at an event supported by Swansea City FCAmbassador Lee Trundle and players from the first team. Visitors had theopportunity to take part in “Go Sport” activities, get tips from ahealthy eating demonstration and receive key health checks in the mobile healthcentre.
Warren Williams, a service user from Llanelli, said: “Oneof our ongoing projects is the Activity Programme in Llanelli.
“Ten service users from our Llanelli projects formed theActivity Programme group and they attend a local gym once a fortnight to use the gym equipment and take part inactivities such as badminton, table tennis and squash.
“It’s become a great way to socialise as well as agreat way to exercise. We really feel valued as part of a team. We even have groupcompetitions!
“Hopefully other groups will be set up across Wales aspart of the Let’s Get Physical! campaign. Setting up a group is a great way toget people enthused about physical exercise – we encourage each other and we makeexercising fun.”
Practice Leader Jonathan Lewis said: “There are loadsof ongoing Let’s Get Physical! activities in Carmarthenshire: we’ve developednew walking and biking groups and we’ve set up a healthy cooking/eating club.
“The point of the Let’s Get Physical! campaign is tomake permanent changes to the way we live and it’s been great to see clientsand carers really embrace that message and make long-term plans for improvingtheir health.”