Next Thursday (4th Feb) is Time to Talk Day 2016: a day whenTime to Change Wales will beasking the nation to take fiveminutes to have a conversation about mental health.
Time to ChangeWales Programme Manager Antony Metcalfe said: “Having a mental healthproblem is hard enough, but sometimes the isolation and stigma can make it evenworse. But we can all help to break the silence. Talking about mentalhealth doesn’t need to be difficult and can make a big difference. That’s whywe’re asking you to take just 5 minutes to have a conversation aboutmental health.
“There arelots of ways you can make your 5 minutes count, whether it be at work, atschool, online, in the community or with friends and family. We have lots ofsuggestions and materials to support what you’re doing. We’reencouraging people to use our event page to log what they are doing for Time to Talk Day and the conversations they arehaving.”
The aim of Timeto Talk Day is to get as many people as possible across Wales talking aboutmental health so that the silence that often surrounds the subject can bebroken down.
With tens ofthousands of individuals and hundreds of organisations speaking out together atthe same time, the hope is that Time to Talk Day will have a huge impact andshow that it really is time to talk.