Cardiff University’s School of Law and Politics is staging aconference on 24th June at the Future Inn, Cardiff Bay, exploring “MentalHealth, Learning Disability and Social Care: Protecting human rights in theausterity crisis”. The conference is supported by patient-led Welsh mentalhealth charity Hafal.
The austerity cuts have created a difficult environment for peoplewith a mental illness who are accessing social care support. Wales is rapidlydeveloping a distinct body of social care law, which differs in significantways from the law applicable in England.
The Centre for Health and Social Care Law based at CardiffUniversity aims to examine this body of law at its conference this year anddiscuss strategies to protect human rights in the midst of austerity cuts.
This conference is for service users, carers, policy-makers,health and social care practitioners, lawyers and academics, and will involveservice users and carers in discussions on ways forward. Specifically theconference will explore possibilities for the Centre for Health and Social CareLaw to provide support by way of conferences, research and information for thethird sector, public bodies and regulators.
To download a conference flyer go to: