The Mental Health Alliance, a coalition of over 75 organisations united by a common interest in fair implementation of the Mental Health Act, has launched an new survey on the Act. The survey provides an opportunity to influence the Government and other stakeholders in future reform of the Act.
The Mental Health Act has a huge impact on the lives of people needing mental health treatment and there are mixed views about how the Act works in practice. The survey is designed to gather views on the principles of the Mental Health Act and how people’s rights are currently protected, where this is working well and what could be changed.
The Alliance is interested in hearing from anyone who has experience of the Mental Health Act, either as a patient, a family member, a carer or a mental health professional.
The survey takes around fifteen minutes to fill out. Click here to get started. Alternatively you can complete a paper version of the survey and send to the Freepost address listed, and there’s also an engagement pack that you can use to prompt group discussion.