Mental health services in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion are threadbare and often unable to help service users with urgent needs, according to a Commission for Health Improvement investigation report published in March.
The investigation found that chronic staff shortages, lack of action on known risk areas and confused lines of accountability are all contributing to a failing mental health service at the Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust.
CHI’s acting Chief Executive Jocelyn Cornwell said, “At present the mental health service of Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust does not command the trust of the community”.
Bill Walden-Jones, Chief Executive at Hafal said, “Hafal has been concerned for some time about the standard of mental health services in this area. They are simply not meeting the requirements of the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) National Services Framework for the Adult Mental Health Strategy for Wales. The failings highlighted in this report are appalling and are symptomatic with the findings of the recent WAG review into their own failure to properly implement the National Services Framework on time”.
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