A Green Paper on Mental Health has been adopted by the European Commission this week with the aim of launching a public consultation on how to better tackle mental illness and promote good mental well-being within the Union…
Making Sense of Recent Reports on Mental Health in Wales
This year’s World Mental Health Day (Monday 10th October) saw the publication of a number of significant documents. Some looked at the state of mental health services in Wales today; others looked to the future of those services. Here we introduce them…
Welsh Assembly Government must meet new targets demands mental health charity Hafal
Following the Welsh Assembly Government’s publication of ‘Raising the Standard’, the revised adult mental health National Service Framework and Action Plan for Wales, Wales’ leading mental health charity Hafal has demanded that the new targets for service provision are met…
Is your GP offering a good service on mental health?
New data published this week will allow the Assembly Government to monitor levels of service provision and ill-health across Wales, including mental health…
Mental Health Bill will see huge increase in CTOs says report
A report released today by the King’s Trust warns that under the proposed Mental Health Bill more people could face Community-based Treatment Orders (CTOs) than has previously been thought…
New research into prison suicide rates
Research by the University of Oxford has shown that men in prison are five times more likely to commit suicide than their counterparts in the general population…
National Assembly to tackle workplace stress and depression
A new £5 million project has been launched to target and help people who suffer from stress and depression brought on by their workplace…
Debt insurance unfairly targets people with mental health problems
The Citizens Advice Bureau is making a ‘super complaint’ to the Office of Fair Trading after publishing a report which shows that many people have been mis-sold their debt insurance…
1 in 10 children have a mental health disorder
A survey published this week suggests that one in ten children in Great Britain aged between 5 and 16 has a clinically recognisable mental disorder…
Protesters try to stop closure of mental health centre in Wrexham
Protesters in Wrexham have organised a campaign to save their local mental health drop-in centre.
Centre 67, as it is known, is to be closed after Social Services reviewed mental health provision in the area and declared that one of the three drop-in centres in the town must be shut down…