Hafal.org website service interruption

The website for Hafal – Wales’ principle charity helping people recovery from severe mental illness and facilitators of mentalhealthwales.net – will be down over the next few days as their hosting provider performs some necessary updates to their systems.

These updates will allow Hafal to create a new, improved website allowing for easier navigation and more accessibility.

Hafal apologises for the interruption to their service.

UK Government launches new mental health nursing review

A new review of mental health nursing, From Values to Action, has been published by the UK Government as a result of a major consultation held last year. The review recommends many ways in which mental health nurses in England can improve the service they are offering.

Mapping the mental health of Wales

A report from the Acting Chief Medical Office for Wales has shown that people living in Blaenau Gwent have the worst rates of mental illness in Wales, with 14 per cent of people being treated for mental illness…

Mental Health Charity Welcomes Demise of Bill

Ministers are expected to announce that the controversial draft Mental Health Bill, which has been criticised by many mental health charities and organisations, is to be scrapped. Clients and carers from Hafal, Wales’s principal charity working for people affected by Mental Health legislation, today welcomed the news…

Suicidal feeling on the rise in children

ChildLine has reported that the number of children calling them because they feel suicidal has increased by 14 per cent in the last year, raising concerns over the mental welfare of children…

Petition against increased compulsion

The Mental Health Alliance is calling for people to sign a petition against the proposed extension of compulsion laws in the new Mental Health Bill. The petition forms part of the Alliance’s Stand Up for Mental Health campaign…