The Welsh Assembly Government has published its Race Equality Action Plan for Adult Mental Health Services in Wales.
The revised National Service Framework for adult mental health services in Wales, launched October 2005, committed the Assembly Government to producing the Plan, which was produced in consultation with race and mental health specialists including the NHS Centre for Equalities and Human Rights, Awetu and the University of Glamorgan.
The Plan includes the following actions:
• NHS Trusts, LHBs, Local Authorities and their inpatient and community based services are to be fully informed as to the ethnic make-up of mental health service users in the area.
• Each of the Actions of the revised National Service Framework pertaining to NHS Trusts, LHBs and Local Authorities is to be race impact assessed prior to policy implementation.
• Staff are to receive training on ethnic and cultural diversity and effort must be made to appoint an ethnically diverse and representative workforce.
To read the full Plan, go to: