Commission to offer disabled staff better future

A body which represents adults in education in England and Wales has launched an examination of the recruitment, training, deployment and career progression of disabled staff in lifelong learning.

Assembly Elections: “Make Mental Health Law a Dealbreaker” says Mental Health Charity Hafal

Potential coalition parties in a new Assembly should make a commitment to Welsh mental health legislation a condition of joining the Government, Welsh mental health charity Hafal announced today.

Peter Davey, Chair of Hafal, said this morning: “What better test of the Assembly’s new powers than to enhance the legal rights of the most vulnerable people in Welsh society?…

Hafal’s election

Hafal, Wales’ principal charity for people with severe mental illness and their carers, is taking to the road in the run-up to the 2007 Assembly Elections on May 3, to spread the message about mental health.

Mental Health Bill Update: Bill continues through the Commons

On Monday (16th April) the Mental Health Bill will have its Second Reading in the House of Commons, opening up a new stage of the debate. After the Second Reading the Bill moves to Committee Stage, during which the Committee will examine each clause and Schedule of the Bill, agreeing or disagreeing to a Motion that it “stand part” of the Bill (i.e. leaving it in or deleting it)…

Mental Health Action Week puts focus on friendship

Friendship can be a vital factor in helping people with mental health problems to get well and stay well, which is why a top UK charity has devoted its 2007 Mental Health Action Week (April 8 -14) to exploring the issue.