The following is a news item from Hafal’s Big Lottery-funded Young People’s Information Hub. To access the Hub please click here.
A paper which outlines Health and Social Services Minister Lesley Griffiths’ priorities for the Assembly, including legislation and other manifesto commitments, has been presented to the Welsh Government’s Health and Social Care Committee.
In relation to mental health services the paper states: “Improving Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Wales remains a high priority, with the need to develop consistent services which are accessible to all young people. Within the last year, a national action plan to improve children’s mental health services has been launched. We will continue to strengthening the range of CAMHS, including access to specialist services for both older adolescents and young people.
“In relation to adult mental health services, we are already working to implement the Mental Health Measure and the Dementia Vision document. We are also examining closely the findings of the Wales Audit Office Report published last week and will be using the information it contains to prepare a new strategic framework for Mental Health services in Wales.”
Commenting on the paper Hafal’s Young People’s Information Officer John Gilheaney said: “Although there have been improvements to CAMHS in recent years by common consent there is a long way to go before the young people of Wales have the services they deserve. It is reassuring to read that improving CAMHS remains a top priority.”
To read the paper which was presented to the Health and Social Care Committee please click here.