The following is a news item from Hafal’s Big Lottery-funded Young People’s Information Hub. To access the Hub please visit:
A report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) has warned that the current generation of students have a greater risk of anxiety and depression than previous ones.
One of the report’s authors, Dr John Callender, told the BBC: “Many are having to work long hours in paid work on top of full-time academic studies. Many are also less well-supported by their families than was the case in years gone by.
“The reasons for this are things like increased rates of marital breakdown and students being drawn from poorer social backgrounds.”
He added there are also intense social pressures for many young people, living away from home and trying to live up to the expectation that these years should be a happy and sociable time.
The RCP wants academic staff to receive more training, and greater incentives for GPs interested in running dedicated health services for students.
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