The Lights! Camera!ACTION! campaign is broadcasting from Bridgend today. The mobilestudio is on location at Tesco Car Park, Quarella Road.
• Service user Jo Roberts has been speakingto camera about the importance of dealing with finances in the Care andTreatment Plan: click here to watch.
• Clickhere to watch Nigel Griffiths, Chair of Bipolar UK’s Wales Advisory Committee, talking about the lack of access topsychological therapies.
The Lights!Camera! ACTION! campaigncalls upon services across Wales to deliver on the new MentalHealth Measure and Strategy. In the past two years service usersand carers have successfully campaigned for the new law and policy. Now theseare in place it’s time to turn words into action: hence Lights! Camera! ACTION!
The campaign is supported by mental health charities Bipolar UK, Hafal and the Mental Health Foundation. Our mobilestudio will be on location at 22 local county events taking place throughoutthe summer. The campaign will conclude with a red-carpet event at the Senedd onWorld Mental Health Day in October.
The campaign has been endorsed by Diverse Cymru who will be helping toensure that it reaches out to minority and disadvantaged communities. Thecampaign has received funding from the Big Lottery who have awarded agrant to purchase video cameras and technical equipment for all 22 counties.
Tofind out more about the campaign please click here.