This year’s “Mental Health Today Wales”conference, which will be held in Cardiff on 20th May, will explore “Mental Health and Poverty” by looking atthe impact of poverty, in all its forms, on the mental health of Welsh citizensof all ages.
The conferencewill provide delegates with the opportunity to:
· Hearfrom leading experts in Welsh mental health working in government, health, social care, the third sector and academia
· Understandsome of the policy factors driving mental health services including the PublicHealth Wales views on health inequalities; the National Poverty Action Plan andthe Duty to Review the Measure
· Findout about some specialist areas of mental health practice with talks ondementia, infant mental health, BME Asylum Seeker and Refugees, homelesspeople and offenders
· Getsome practical advice on accessing benefits in workshops led by the CAB
· Learnabout the evolving issues of digital exclusion and toxic environments as factorsin the lives of those with mental health issues living in poverty
· Hearhow service users at Llanarth Court have been involved in their Care andTreatment Plans – giving people a voice
· Getan update on the ways in which Time to Change Wales is addressing povertythrough its social leadership and campaigning activities
· Visitexhibition stands from service providers and other bodies concerned with mentalhealth in Wales
· Enjoynetworking time with other professionals and service-users within the sector
· Gainvaluable CPD hours through our multi-channel programme of seminars andworkshops.
Attendance costs £25 plus VAT to professionals/employedworkers and the event is free to serviceusers, unwaged/family carers and full-time students.
Mental HealthToday Wales is now in its third year and is supported by leading Welsh mentalhealth organisations including NHS Wales, Hafal, Gofal, Mind Cymru, theAlzheimer’s Society and the National Centre for Mental Health, CardiffUniversity. This year’s event takes place in the modern surroundings ofCardiff FC’s state-of-the-art stadium.
For moreinformation please visit: