The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the World Health Organisation’s reference work which defines illnesses and health conditions worldwide. It’s currently in its 10th edition, which is known as ICD10. The next edition, ICD11, is currently being developed.
For the first time some of the language used in the ICD is being reviewed by those most directly affected by some of the diagnoses. These may be people who have received the diagnosis themselves, or their family or carers, as part of an international research project.
The research is taking place in 17 countries across the world and the Mental Health Foundation, led by Head of Empowerment and Social Inclusion David Crepaz-Keay, is leading the UK part of this research for two key diagnoses: schizophrenia and depressive episode.
As part of this research, the Foundation would like to interview people who have received either of these diagnoses, and people who are family carers of someone who has. The proposed language has been developed and chosen by clinical professionals and academics, but the researchers want to know if the language used is useful and meaningful, whether it describes the experiences or symptoms that are associated with the diagnoses and whether there are other ways that people could describe them.
If you would like to contribute to this research and either you or someone you care for has received a diagnosis of schizophrenia or depression, please visit:
Matt Pearce