New clinical guidelines on the appropriate treatment and care of individuals with schizophrenia within the NHS living in England and Wales have been produced.
Personality Disorder: No longer a diagnosis of exclusion
Some of the controversial proposals in the draft Mental Health Bill look set to remain, according to guidance on personality disorders released by the Department of Health.
Public Consultation in Bridgend
Bridgend Local Health Group, on behalf of Iechyd Morgannwg Health, has issued a document for consultation entitled “Better Mental Health Services in Bridgend”.
All Wales Primary Mental Health Network – Launch Meeting
The All Wales Primary Mental Health Network’s Launch Meeting will be addressed by Jane Hutt, Minister for Health & Social Services on Tuesday 4th February 2003 in Cardiff.
Alcohol Concern
Alcohol Concern, the national agency for alcohol misuse, is organising a one-day national conference in March on alcohol and severe mental illness.
New report from InterSEPT
The International Suicide Prevention Trial (InterSEPT) has reported that a two year study found that using clozapine significantly reduced the risk of suicidal behaviour in people with schizophrenia.
“Primary Solutions”
A report by the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health indicates that GPs are struggling to provide adequate services for people with mental illness but the report “Primary Solutions” also offers ideas for improvements in Primary Care provision for mental health.
Mental Health Wales News Updates
The next news update will be posted to this site in the week commencing 6th January 2003.
Draft Bill Dropped
The Queen’s Speech yesterday included no reference to mental health legislation. The draft Mental Health Bill had ncountered fierce opposition from professional and user groups and the government is evidently backing off to consider what to do next.
Home Secretary Supports the Bill
The Home Secretary David Blunkett has thrown his weight behind the embattled draft Mental Health Bill.